Encara no tenim significats per a "make quite".
1And I will make quite sure it is a blow against them.
2You'd make quite a showing in a field uniform, I should say.
3He meant to make quite sure of his discovery before revealing it.
4Ought to make quite an explosion, about like a cobalt bomb, huh?
5If you keep on you will make quite a scholar some day.
6I did not, however, make quite so deep a plunge as before.
7You really make quite a stranger of Dr. Bretton: how is this?
8And I think we'll make quite a lot of money, don't you?
9We will make quite sure we're capable of defending that future, never fear.'
10Although apparently it used to make quite a fuss, didn't it?
11I imagine the last stand of our species will make quite a spectacle.
12And yet Wolf is set to make quite an impact on the genre.
13His arrist is going to make quite the splash here in South Australia.
14There's room for a few purveyors to make quite tidy sums.
15But she might be mistaken; she ought to make quite sure.
16She would make quite a fine picture in that gold-colored dress.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Make quite a través del temps
Make quite per variant geogràfica