Encara no tenim significats per a "make the butt".
1Of one of these Goldsmith was made the butt.
2To be made the butt of a boarding-house table!
3But he was made the butt of the jokes of the dressing tent for several days.
4According to Plato, it was he whom Socrates most persistently made the butt of his sarcasms.
5Is it a dramatic mistake that even the heroine is made the butt of these merry-makers?
6It did begin to annoy Mr. Reed to have his son made the butt of the street.
7My imagination raced through columns of newsprint in which the Metamorphizer was made the butt of reporters' humor.
8It seems to me that's enough, without being made the butt of your friends' wit into the bargain.
9Guipone was either too young or too dumb to realize he'd been made the butt of a joke.
10Both in conversation and in the "North Briton," they were ever made the butts of his ready wit.
11As the horses stopped Mr. Wilder, fearing that the boy had been made the butt of some mad prank, said severely:
12His friends thought he was very funny, and he had no qualms about who he made the butt of his jokes.
13Some of that laughter seemed to touch himself, and he was not a person to be made the butt of mirth.
14The story of a big ungainly youth who seemed fated to be misunderstood and to be made the butt of his comrades.
15Such observations helped him to endure his lot with serenity, even when he was himself made the butt of the coarsest jokes.
16They'll pretend to expose her-thepress will be on their side-andI will be made the butt of all their slurring gibes.