Encara no tenim significats per a "many sorrows".
1The Holy Father has found it so in spite of many sorrows.
2This will raise up France; it is a balm for many sorrows.
3Assuredly in his time had men much distress, and very many sorrows.
4You've had too many sorrows and frights already in your young life.
5To dream you are eating hash, many sorrows and vexations are foretold.
6We ought to wish many sorrows to one, who can lament thus.
7For ten years her kind heart had been wrung by many sorrows.
8I can remember and understand now; he also had many sorrows.
9Not the least among her many sorrows was the bitter taste of ingratitude.
10The fair one stood, not only more lonely, but surrounded with many sorrows.
11I should guess that you have yourself seen many sorrows, Mr.
12She laid her heart, pierced through with many sorrows, before Him.
13Why upon thee is laid the burden of so many sorrows?
14The mission, though fraught with many sorrows, is divine and soul-uplifting to the subject.
15I have outlived many friends, I have felt many sorrows.
16He had many sorrows to bear during his life, but this surpassed all others.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Many sorrows a través del temps
Many sorrows per variant geogràfica