Means by which an item performs a function.
Quality of an item being valued as a means to an end rather than in itself.
Examples for "how"
Examples for "how"
1The resulting report, Staying power: how do family businesses create lasting success?
2Masutha, however, could not say exactly how much free education will cost.
3It's quite difficult to explain how good this wine is on paper.
4A related issue is how much power state authorities have over banks.
5The health ministry said it did not know how many cases exist.
1I don't mean 'nice' the way she means 'nice,' either; don't worry.
2It's a great way to start the new year. -FieldLevel Media
3Now a new problem: There was no clear way to open it.
4The case could radically change the way the company operates in Europe.
5The great problem at Yosemite today is simply finding your way around.
1I don't mean 'nice' the way she means 'nice,' either; don't worry.
2The question comes out colder than he means: 'Upon what possible inducement?'
3That means, however, being able to process gigabytes of data every second.
4For Europe at the moment, that means competent management of the economy.
5Residential rezoning several weeks ago means this trend is sure to continue.
1Of course, it might not come true in exactly the manner imagined.
2We will continue to provide information in a transparent manner, said Hafeez.
3Or his masculinity. Rose's new collection featured all manner of 'feminine' detail.
4Father Fauchelevent was rattling in the throat in the most lamentable manner.
5We seek to resolve this case in a fair and reasonable manner.
1He said a common sense approach to the Covid-19 situation was needed.
2She said the bylaw takes a common sense approach to the problem.
3Politicians understandably approach said question with caution -often with interesting results.
4Objective: To present a new approach to treatment using flow diversion technology.
5However, it said its dominant shareholder, Red Sea, had rejected the approach.
1You just needed the right environment and the right method, he said.
2Ultimately, water conservation is the best method of protecting our natural resources.
3However, challenges exist as to the best method to target RKIP expression.
4A much more important issue is the method of funding political parties.
5The method may provide new knowledge to the reform process over time.
1Power companies hope the technique can help them avoid higher carbon emissions.
2Speaking on Upbeat today Pene said it's necessary to improve his technique.
3Conclusions: This combined technique represents a promising treatment option in selected cases.
4The new technique could allow researchers to study cells for much longer.
5However this valuable technique carries specific risks inherent to the access route.
1However, its mechanism of action and biomarkers associated with response remain unclear.
2This raises the question of its mechanism of action when used pharmacologically.
3However, the mechanism of action of lncRNAs in glioma development remains unclear.
4However, the mechanism of action of TMP-SMX against Mtb is still unknown.
5These studies provide new insights into the mechanism of action of Aplidin.
1Just a word or two in regard to their mode of operation.
2Every passion that acts upon mankind has a peculiar mode of operation.
3It is all one continuous, connected, consistent mode of operation from beginning to end.
4The third mode of operation used the magnetic and suction trimounts included in the case.
5In order to do so, WHO must change its organizational culture and mode of operation.
1In truth, these various practices are just the means to an end.
2She'd always seen men as... well, as a means to an end.
3He didn't understand that he was just a means to an end.
4The technology is a facilitator, an enabler, a means to an end.
5Austerity is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
6IT is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
7Scheduling is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
8We climb too, but climbing is just a means to an end.
9The railroad and the ships were only a means to an end.
10To him, they were nothing more than a means to an end.
11For Ian, she was a means to an end, that was all.
12But, in the broadest sense, industry is a means to an end.
13The abduction of Miss Cresswell is merely a means to an end.
14Both derived free attention and forced attention are means to an end.
15For his study of himself is only a means to an end.
16Invaluable as is knowledge, it is as a means to an end.
Translations for means to an end