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Methods: Authors developed a unique team measurementtool based on previous work.
Performance was rated by separate raters using the team behavior measurementtool.
If you use the the classic version of Google Maps, there is a distance measurementtool.
Study selection: Included studies contained a bleeding score, bleeding measurementtool, or clinical measurement of hemorrhage.
Conclusions: The CHAPS is the first comprehensive measurementtool to assess CHA use specifically for pain management.
High quality and comprehension deemed the CHAPS an appropriate measurementtool in a rural population with pain.
To this end we also aimed at developing a reliable and valid measurementtool to assess AKA levels.
Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that the CFCS serves as a valid measurementtool for persistent pain in children.
The operator of Speedtest.net is set on Tuesday to start providing statistics from its Web-based Internet measurementtool for free to consumers.
But maybe its most interesting new health measurementtool is a new electro-dermal activity (EDA) scan that purports to detect stress.
Currently, there is no AS-specific QoL measurementtool, which prevents an accurate assessment of how this chronic condition and its treatment affect patients.
PC Meter, currently relied upon as the industry's best measurementtool, tracks 12,000 Web-active households that use Windows.
The aim of this study was to use a multi-dimensional measurementtool to describe the health literacy of adults in urban and rural Victoria, Australia.
Studies should evaluate whether MRI is useful for surgical planning of debridement, and as a non-invasive measurementtool following interventions for stiffness caused by fibrosis.
Ask your browser maker to provide better performance measurementtools.
Training programs varied significantly in duration, structure, location and use of outcome measurementtools.