We had all seen the progressive medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth, she said.
And finally, multinational corporations make a heap of money out of this mass medicalisation.
UNICEF also voiced concern about increased "medicalisation" of FGM hampering global efforts to end the practice.
This places immense demands on the bereaved to "get over it", and promotes the medicalisation of sadness.
Dr. Tracey McIntosh from The University of Auckland with why people do what they do, the medicalisation of life, death and dying.
It was her belief that childbirth should not be reduced to a pathological event and she waged a relentless crusade against its medicalisation.
But in a letter to NICE and ministers, a group of leading doctors and academics have expressed concern about the medicalisation of healthy people.
It reduces antibiotic use, shows no evidence of medicalisation, provides similar duration and severity of symptoms to immediate prescribing, and reduces reattendance for eye infections.