Cooks can unlock these elements through aging, curing, and microbialfermentation.
Butyrate is a short chain fatty acid derived from the microbialfermentation of dietary fibers in the colon.
Using citrus peel extract for microbialfermentation will allow the development of processes that produce value-added chemicals from agricultural byproducts.
Butyrate is a naturally occurring product of colonic microbialfermentation of dietary carbohydrates that escape hydrolysis in the small intestine.
Here we show that a large bowel microbialfermentation product, butyrate, induces the differentiation of colonic Treg cells in mice.
Pu-erh Pu-erh, which can be made from either unoxidized or oxidized tea leaves, undergoes microbialfermentation and is usually aged.
As of December 31, 2016, it also operated one microbialfermentation facility and one feedstock processing facility.