Encara no tenim significats per a "mighty convenient".
1This is mighty convenient, as will be reality admitted.
2Sounds mighty convenient, if you ask me.
3The park laws will not allow us to kill them, and it would be mighty convenient, Lizzie.
4The revolutionary spirit is mighty convenient in this, that it frees one from all scruples as regards ideas.
5That was mighty convenient for him, but it was extremely suspicious, and he cherished it as a further grudge.
6The plan seemed very feasible, and Mike declared that he thought it was a mighty convenient way of obtaining a supper.
7I only take the paper," said Mr. Neal, "because their Sunday is mighty convenient f'r packin' furniture f'r shipment."
8I've not forgotten my fiddle, and it will be mighty convenient to cheer the hearts of our poor fellows when we get ashore.
9Some take six tumblers, and some takes none, so I strikes an average-andto tell you the truth, it's mighty convenient for the great majority.'
10"That's mighty convenient for Ese," says I.
11"It's mighty convenient," explained the Harvester.
12"Yes," said Steve, with grim humor; "and there's a mighty convenient limb sticking out nearly straight and horizontal from that tree over yonder.
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