Encara no tenim significats per a "modern preachers".
1We cannot wonder that modern preachers borrowed so vivid and truthful a figure.-Ed.
2Most modern preachers do not follow a Voice-theyonly harken to an echo.
3Just as modern preachers have to dress to impress their audiences, so too did the historical Christ, she argues.
4For the multitudes that had never heard the Catholic case stated, they trained the most eloquent school of modern preachers.
5He is regarded by the public as the greatest of modern preachers, and he evidently thinks this verdict a righteous one.
6She was one of the most ardent of modern preachers, her books are crowded with teaching of the most positive character.
7For weeks past Claire had been intending to go to a West End church to hear one of the finest of modern preachers.
8In the history of ideas, that line of "common sense philosophy" leads straight from Voltaire to the modern preachers and prophets of this perversion.
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