Equipment consisting of a bowl in which substances are ground using a pestle.
Examples for "mortar"
Examples for "mortar"
1Of course, that doesn't mean brick-and-mortar stores are going away anytime soon.
2Took away the mortar in his pockets; no sign of it here.
3Do we compromise our skin's health by constantly scrubbing off the mortar?
4Earlier, Palestinians fired a mortar shell at an Israeli settlement in Gaza.
5In the simplest form, the sugar cane is crushed in a mortar.
1Schiller reached across his desk and grabbed a pestle and mortar set.
2The pestle and mortar is on the counter next to the toaster.
3When fragrant, grind them with the salt using a pestle and mortar.
4A granite pestle and mortar will make all the difference to the texture.
5Grind them finely using a spice mill or pestle and mortar.
1Add the sea salt, transfer to a mortar and pestle and grind.
2Place this in a mortar and pestle and grind to a powder.
3There is only one way to account for this mortar and pestle.
4Roughly pound the star anise and cinnamon with a mortar and pestle.
5A mortar and pestle made of white stone gleamed in the dimness.
6However, using a mortar and pestle can sometimes be very tiresome.
7When I visited the market, I purchased a wooden, handmade mortar and pestle.
8When cold break into small chunks using a mortar and pestle.
9Coarsely crush peppercorns with mortar and pestle or with heavy saucepan or skillet.
10She busied herself crushing chewable vitamin tablets with a mini mortar and pestle.
11Pots, bowls, and a mortar and pestle sat on the counter.
12Pound kurrat and remaining fresh coriander into a paste using a mortar and pestle.
13A large mortar and pestle for the grinding of herbs.
14He resolved then to try to make a mortar and pestle of hard wood.
15Still, she shrugged and handed me the mortar and pestle.
16So are his mortar and pestle, though they've been cleaned.
Translations for mortar and pestle