Low shrubby pine of central Europe with short bright green needles in bunches of two.
Tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature.
Evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawaka.
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1The floor was strewn with the short needles of the mountain pine.
2For on the cliffs stood a giant, taller than any mountain pine.
3The mountain pine beetle is pictured in this undated handout photo.
4For nearly two hours he swayed that audience as the storm king sways the mountain pine.
5Take British Columbia, which is ground zero for the mountain pine beetle infestation in North America.
6Farther up were the conifers that were more familiar to him, mountain pine, fir, and spruce.
7The square tarred post of mountain pine reclined down stream, and gently nodded to the current's impact.
8He took a deep breath to drink in the night scents of mountain pine and dew-touched grass.
9This tree is found even higher than the mountain pine, and is seldom found lower than 8000 feet.
10The step of the octogenarian, was elastic as that of a boy, his form erect as the mountain pine.
11The step of the octogenarian was elastic as that of a boy, his form erect as a mountain pine.
12Sleeping upon the slender branch of a mountain pine is more painful than pleasant; and all three preferred keeping awake.
13It seemed to him that the storm of her agony beat upon her like the tempest upon a mountain pine-tree.
14That is the way with these mountain pine-trees: one never knows how deep into volcanic fires their roots are plunged.
15The uprights, the couples, and roof tree of the temporary hall were composed of mountain pine, still covered with its bark.
16Most of the trees here are red fir and mountain pine, some of them being of large size, and noble specimens.
Translations for mountain pine