Encara no tenim significats per a "much guess".
1Any attempt to estimate this creole population perforce contains much guess-work.
2Given the era, you can pretty much guess that things do not end well.
3How much did she know and how much guess?
4There's altogether too much guess-work about this spiritualistic religion-itneeds some engineer like you to get down to the bed-rock.
5You can pretty much guess what happens next - supplies dwindle, the residents turn on each other, alliances form, violence erupts.
6Anyway, you don't figger ther's much guess to that, with the mill runnin' full, an' every boom crashed full of logs.
7You can pretty much guess that when his wife told him the kids were just fine all those years, she wasn't being frank.
8While we can all pretty much guess which ministers will be getting the chop, the issue of deputy president is a bit more complex.
9The trouble is, by the time the big "reveal" arrives, an audience member can pretty much guess at the bare-bone outline of his great sin.
10We did much guessing, but could not solve the mystery.
11It didn't take me much guessing to reckon up why.
12It didn't take much guessing to come to this conclusion.
13The suicide became the talk of the Negro quarters with much guessing as to the motive.
14After I finally managed to get a half nelson on him, we pretty much guessed what the score was.
15I'm doing too much guessing.
16And, as usual, there'll be much guessing going on, most of it wrong, about the identity of this year's Surprise Film.
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