Encara no tenim significats per a "multiply many".
1I might here multiply many other texts, but in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
2Y: Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times?
3He has multiplied many times the value of the cutler's product.
4The number of instances could be multiplied many times over.
5The number might be multiplied many times, did I not fear to weary you.
6And that phenomenon, multiplied many times over, is the force that will save the world.
7The demand for Joan has multiplied many fold and it continues to multiply with every year.
8Far from having eliminated the economic causes of fear, we now find these causes multiplied many times.
9Where their little store of provision was as good as exhausted, it had been multiplied many fold.
10Such instances could be multiplied many times.
11For every category of component, the new ENCODE data multiplies many times over the number of known pieces.
12Every snapped twig, every bird murmur, every brush of a padded foot on leaf mould was multiplied many-fold.
13The tonnage employed in this trade has been multiplied many times in order adequately to care for the traffic.
14If what she had felt before, passing the restaurant, was hunger, then this had been famine, multiplied many times over.
15Liberty-itis a thing which, be well assured, I would choose in preference to all my other possessions, multiplied many times.
16A tale of the prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, who multiplied many fish and loaves as a sign from God.
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