A toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs; there is no known antidote.
Examples for "lost"
Examples for "lost"
1Depression costs Irish business £170 million each year in lost work days.
2The problem, the problem, the problem was I lost all my feelings.
3Siddig said his father appeared in good health but had lost weight.
4The reality is he has lost control of his party on Europe.
5Have words and arguments lost their power to bring about social change?
1Conclusions: The present data suggest that CIMT is enlarged in HD patients.
2An HD hooked up to a Time Capsule works fine, for example.
3Conclusions: rGFR is better maintained in PD patients than in HD patients.
4Despite the HD programming, Voom is far from a slam-dunk for consumers.
5This scarcity is especially evident for adults and severe forms of HD.
1Without disparaging our own efforts, we must pay a tribute to the achievement of the French yperite producing and filling factories.
2We saw the minister visiting a factory and pinning the Legion of Honour on to the breast of a worker blinded by yperite.
3Yperite, French Mustard Gas.-Duringthis period the volume of allied gas activities also increased considerably.
4The French termed mustard gas "Yperite" after Ypres, the place where it was first used.
5As far as such terms can be applied to any weapon, Yperite arrived to spread panic, and terror amongst the German formations.
1The two vanadoniobates as heterogeneous catalysts can effectively promote the oxidative decontamination of sulfur mustard simulants.
2Background: Sulfur mustard (SM) is a potent blistering chemical warfare agent, which was first used in 1917.
3Oxidative stress induced by free radicals is a major mechanism for the direct effects of Sulfur mustard on male infertility.
4Some studies have shown the harmful effects of Sulfur mustard as a war chemical toxin especially on sperm quality and male infertility.
1He also suffered from emphysema caused by the mustard gas, he added.
2These in turn were used to make mustard gas and nerve agents.
3It's also a precursor chemical for the blistering weapon nitrogen mustard gas.
4These conditions were again approached in the first German use of mustard gas.
5The fetlocks are bandaged with special oil-skin to protect them from mustard gas'.
6We wanted mustard gas, and realised its need in July, 1917.
7But as I leaned toward it, a strong smell of mustard gas rose.
8Yellow Cross, representing mustard gas, was the most highly persistent type.
9Although these caused fewer casualties than mustard gas, they were relatively more fatal.
10Facebook Twitter Pinterest Wounded people receive treatment after a mustard gas attack on Marea.
11The weapons are known to contain phosgene and mustard gas.
12Their allegations included claims of exposure to mustard gas, nerve gas and tear gas.
13The experts have already been testing for sarin, mustard gas and other toxic agents.
14The vesicant action of mustard gas produced huge casualties with relatively little permanent harm.
15The veterans returning from the front were disfigured, shell-shocked, and burned by mustard gas.
16Has the one-time wonder fuel become the new asbestos -not to say mustard gas?
Translations for mustard gas