Ancient Canaanite god of death and the Underworld.
1What a funny thing a key-hole muth be.
2He took it up, looked at it curiously, and said: "Thith thing muth be a key."
3Seth, Osiris, and Horus constitute a Trinity of which Muth is the Great Mother.
4Ye holy three of Thebes!-[The triad of Thebes: Anion, Muth and Chunsu.
5But Muth said recently announced facilities in Canada and the Netherlands would prevent future snafus.
6She was called also Muth, the universal mother.
7Light was the symbol of Muth (Perceptive Wisdom).
8"The thaid we muthn't do off thith threet," said Willie in his lisping way.
9The symbol of Neith or Muth, Athene or Minerva, the great universal female principle of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, was the shield and serpent.
10The language here is confusing, a bad summary and possibly corrupt, and the form "Mot" here is not the same as "Muth," which appears later.