Did he owe some mutualaidsociety six-and-four-pence?
Anyway, I'm putting together a sort of mutualaidsociety for the spousal companions of Ben Malley.
The Massachusetts MutualAidSociety, an organization for life insurance, was incorporated in 1875, and its members now number several thousands.
The fellow had a pretty fancy in names: the "Orb" Deposit Bank, the "Sceptre" MutualAidSociety, the "Thrift and Independence" Association.
In 1994, a member of the Lebanese movement Hezbollah bombed the Argentine Jewish MutualAidSociety building in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people.
In 1994, an Iran-backed Hezbollah member drove a van filled with explosives to the Argentine Jewish MutualAidSociety (AMIA) building, killing 85 people.