Demutualization is a regulated process in which a mutualinsurancecompany converts to a share company with share capital and voting shareholders.
THOUSANDS of Irish policy holders look set to gain from the floation of Norwich Union, Britmu's second biggest mutualinsurancecompany, on the stockmarket.
All legitimate government is a mutualinsurancecompany, voluntarily agreed upon by the parties to it, for the protection of their rights against wrong-doers.
The policy had been written by the Ohio MutualInsuranceCompany.
Among them are Amica MutualInsuranceCompany and TIAA, as well as Lincoln Financial Group, which offers a new fee-only annuity.
The mutualinsurancecompanies, like their more pretentious prototypes, are now placed under the supervision of inspectors in nearly all the states.
Laura Dryden, thanks to the continued support of the Mid-Anglian MutualInsuranceCompany, was one of fifty paying 'guests' in the private hospital.
In the mutualinsurancecompanies, the insured cannot leave his insurance to his creditors, or to any one not within a certain degree of kinship.