A person who is markedly small.
Examples for "dwarf"
Examples for "dwarf"
1The island was also home to a dwarf elephant ancestor, for example.
2Youre a free dwarf now, and every private detective needs a partner.
3The green dwarf swept the shell expertly against the ledge; leaped out.
4But Gonzalez's payments dwarf the meager handouts given previous computer crime informants.
5Yet this was not the best of it; for the dwarf said-
1The midget said something biting in his peculiarly cracked and brittle voice.
2That midget Barrett pays the customs people off to avoid the duties.
3Zinka was a Ukrainian midget, a dancer with the Borzoi Dance Company.
4But excuse me, said the now jovial midget as he walked away.
5Why not just get a midget hooker and be done with it?
1Dwarfs.-Theword "dwarf" is of Saxon origin (dwerg, dweorg) and corresponds to the "pumilio" or "nanus" of the Romans.
2U. NANUS.--DwarfGorse, Cat Whin, and Tam Furze.