The new nativewoodlands will cover over nine square kilometres of land.
Rhododendrons remain beloved by many gardeners despite being a menace to nativewoodlands.
It's principal aim is to conserve and enhance nativewoodlands.
We are only just beginning to recognise, and protect, the beauty of our nativewoodlands.
I was unaware of the beautiful bounty that occupied our nativewoodlands, the wild edibles that had a long culinary tradition in Ireland.
In both Ireland and Britain the rearguard battle with its spread through nativewoodlands has already cost millions, rarely with total victory in sight.
It never entered her mind that any one could doubt the wisdom of leaving his nativewoodlands, his smiling river, and his fertile fields.
Red squirrels, a species previously lost from their nativewoodlands, have been successfully returned to the north-west Highlands, early results of a reintroduction project show.
But the shrub has spread out of control with huge damage to many nativewoodlands, heaths and other wild places like the Snowdonia national park.
Madam, -Ever since the nativewoodlands were destroyed centuries ago by over-exploitation, most people in Ireland have depended on turf (peat) for fuel.
HORIZONS: Foresters, ecologists and landowners are equally joyful about the new NativeWoodlands Scheme.