A biologist knowledgeable about natural history (especially botany and zoology)
Examples for "naturalist"
Examples for "naturalist"
1To celebrate, they are publishing a book showcasing the naturalist's groundbreaking work.
2I would sooner be a naturalist than anything else in the world.
3He who reads most correctly from the original is the best naturalist.
4The immediate neighbourhood of Valparaiso is not very productive to the naturalist.
5When I was small, I decided I wanted to be a naturalist.
1Reign of Law.-Thephilosopher, the natural scientist and the by law.
2His subject matter is, however, far more intricate and unmanageable than that of the natural scientist.
3Only Abigail is a fully fledged personality; yet, rather implausibly, she is something of a natural scientist herself.
4My toddler was a natural scientist.
5He was uncertain whether to become a poet and esthetic critic, a physician, or a natural scientist, or a surveyor, or -a diplomat.
6They came as missionaries, ambassadors, tradesmen, prospectors, natural scientists.
7In fact, many natural scientists breathed a sigh of relief at the amplitude of Kelvin's early allotments.
8Nineteenth-century natural scientists used to take great kudos on themselves in that they would eat anything they dissected.
9But the natural scientists-theforesters, the physiographers, the geologists-havewithin a very few years been making themselves heard in warning.
10It is that "common good" that is now engaging the thought of our foremost economists, natural scientists, and public men.
11What is claimed is that even a single class can introduce students to the way that humanists, social scientists or natural scientists operate.
12After tenure, natural scientists move out of the lab and into an office from where they supervise the research of their team members.
13Her father is Professor Archibald Atkins, that Natural Scientist who went to Africa and was held captive by a tribe of savages for two years.
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Translations for natural scientist