Political party in Mexico.
Examples for "nap"
Examples for "nap"
1I can believe it; I needed a nap after reading 40 pages.
2However, this nap and the following ones were not influenced by endotoxin.
3If it's a boulder problem, go take a nap in the forest.
4No, the longer Opals nap lasted, the better for everyone, especially her.
5He confronted Del that evening, after he had taken a long nap.
1PNA rates were calculated by drug group and descriptive statistics were performed.
2To enhance the efficiency in PNA delivery, many strategies have been explored.
3But Mr Movick said PNA members already shaped tuna management in the region.
4Results: The performance of PNA probes was similar to the established DNA probes.
5He is highly regarded and respected by his peers in PNA he said.
1Promoter Brent Eccles talks to The Panal about the state of ticket sales being undermined by the ticket resale market.
2The PRI and its allies, the Green Party and the smaller New Alliance Party (PANAL) currently have 251 seats in the lower house.
1The strangest alliance is with Lenora Fulani and the New Alliance Party.
2The New Alliance Party said in a statement it would not issue opinions on the judicial process.
3The new Alliance Party leader in the North, Mr Sean Neeson, has made his first two key appointments.
4Gordillo broke with PRI party leaders before the 2006 presidential election and founded the small New Alliance Party.
5The New Alliance Party she helped found said in a statement it would not issue opinions on the judicial process.
6But she fell out with PRI leaders ahead of the 2006 presidential election and founded the small New Alliance Party.
7Pena Nieto named Roberto Campa, of the New Alliance party and former undersecretary for human rights, as the new labor secretary.
8Tells about New Alliance Party, run by Dr. Fred Newman, which is closer to an exploitive cult than a political party.
9The small New Alliance Party got 2.29%.
10The PRI and its allies, the Green Party and the smaller New Alliance Party (PANAL) currently have 251 seats in the lower house.
Translations for new alliance party