Phrase used when publishing the name of a new genus.
1It may be a new species, or even a new genus.
2Consequently, it is important to supplement validated species-specific molecular diagnostics with new genus-level tools.
3The following are the characters of this new genus.
4It forms new genus immediately after tabernaemontana, and consequently belongs to the class called contortae.
5M. Peron says that it forms a new genus, and of a very remarkable character.
6It is a new genus, between aira and arundo.
7This seems to belong to a new genus not far removed from Castnia or Coronis.
8These form a new genus, but are most nearly allied to Cythere, a marine type.
9We present the description of a new genus and species of soldierless termites from South America.
10Not just a new species, but a new genus, found in the Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania.
11We suggest that these two viruses are representative of a new genus within the family Paramyxoviridae.
12The new genus differs from other members of Liadopsyllidae in details of the antennae and forewings.
13One of the fish was a new genus.
14This is a new genus, approaching the alchornea of Swartz.)
15On Dysteria, a new genus of Infusoria.
16The inquisitive traveller crossed the street, and, deferentially approaching the new genus, lisped, Ha-ah-howd' do, ha?
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
New genus per variant geogràfica