A newprogressiveparty, Future Forward, won 30 seats.
The plebiscite was proposed by Republican Governor Luis Fortuno, president of the NewProgressiveParty, which supports statehood.
Rossello, of the NewProgressiveParty which backs Puerto Rico becoming a U.S. state, is seeking a second term.
The 40-year-old governor is leader of the NewProgressiveParty, a Puerto Rican political party which advocates US statehood.
Rosselló also said he would step down as head of the NewProgressiveParty and asked Puerto Ricans to give him another chance.
For the rival NewProgressiveParty, lobbyist and political advocate Ricky Rossello and Puerto Rico's representative in Congress, Pedro Pierluisi, have announced gubernatorial campaigns.
Puerto Rico House Speaker Carlos Mendez, part of Rosselló's NewProgressiveParty, appointed an independent panel on Friday to investigate whether the chats warranted impeachment.