Encara no tenim significats per a "new tablet".
1For more on Apple's new tablet, check out Wired's iPad full coverage page.
2Solution: Require companies to bundle a parakeet with every new tablet or e-reader device.
3The new tablet is called "the new iPad," not the iPad 3.
4Surface is much, much more than a new tablet platform.
5A Google spokesman declined to comment on its new tablet.
6Souers reckons thin third-quarter margins suggest Amazon is spending heavily on this new tablet.
7Rupert Murdoch's News Corp NWSA.O launched a new tablet-only publication last month called The Daily.
8The bigger deal, however, is the company's new tablet.
9One gripe we have with the new tablet form is when you turn it over.
10A new tablet upon the outer wall of the church caught and held my eye.
11Acer's Lu declined to state price points and specific release dates for the new tablet offerings.
12Samsung has unveiled a new tablet in its latest attempt to wrestle market share from Apple.
13When you introduce a new tablet there is really only one horseman you are worried about.
14Dell's new tablet called the Streak is set to make its debut in the U.S. this summer.
15On the hunt for a new tablet?
16Though more powerful than its predecessors, the new tablet from Sony also faces a more crowded marketplace.
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