1This is also the episode where we learn that Spock has nictitating membranes.
2Nictitating opalescent eyes stabbed at Murk through the sending.
3Their eyes have nictitating membranes, like Earth cats, and they have heat-sensitive pits behind their noses.
4Almond eyes of burning gold nictitated to life.
5Our craniote ancestors had a third eye-lid, the nictitating membrane, which was drawn over the eye from its inner angle.
6An Aberrant man with a bulbous forehead and nictitating membranes across his eyes rushed past her, paused, and turned back.
7The open beak revealed rows of small, very sharp teeth, and the yellow, lizard-like eyes were covered with nictitating membranes.
8(1) The plica semilunaris as a vestige of the nictitating membrane of certain birds.
9One which I kept alive was certainly in this condition, the cause, as appeared on dissection, having been inflammation of the nictitating membrane.
Translations for nictitate