A dark grey cloud bearing rain.
1Overcast skies of heavy nimbus cloud were the rule and the air was continually charged with drifting snow.
2In Rio, feverishly growing nimbus clouds trump Google's meteorology report every time.
3At three P.M. the blue sky appeared in the west, and the nimbus clouds subsided.
4This will be essential as the cumulo- nimbus clouds of concern gather over the entire banking sector.
5On February 23 there was a spell of dead calm; heavy nimbus clouds and fog lowering over sea and plateau.
6Above us: nimbus clouds moving south-southeast at 0.0034 terminus.
7During the whole day nimbus clouds had hung heavily from the sky, and snow had fallen in grains and star-like crystals.
8In California the fire created pyro cumulus nimbus clouds, basically, a giant thunder storm formed on top of the smoke plume.
9In the morning the heavens were clear towards the south, but to the north dense nimbus clouds covered the hills and darkened the sky.
10A hot wind blew from the north and now brought with it smoke and an overcast sky, which in the evening turned to nimbus clouds.
Translations for nimbus cloud