Having no color, either by transparency or by lack of pigment.
Examples for "colorless"
Examples for "colorless"
1The girl rose; her face was colorless; she was aquiver with indignation.
2The light in the hall below struck upward at her colorless face.
3It might be that-someodorless, colorless gas of unknown qualities; and yet-
4In this place of colorless light such a thing was doubly shocking.
5There was a colorless indifference in the tone which was almost tragic.
1The great majority of the only colourless lymph-cells in the circulating fluid.
2If voices could be said to have colours, mine was absolutely colourless.
3At the moment that it reached the boiling point it became colourless.
4His face was yellow and unhealthy-looking; his eyes were filmed and colourless.
5And her face too was almost colourless now, and grave and still.
1My father possessed a very excellent achromatic spy-glass of 2 inches diameter.
2One image is quite achromatic, the other shows a little colour.
3Now what do you see, Lady Constantine?' He levelled the achromatic at Sirius.
4The following are some of his more important achromatic telescopes.
5I have sometimes found this cleft an easy object with a 4 inch achromatic.
1Her sheeny hair and vivid makeup were dazzling against the colorlessness of the room.
2She was clothed in velvet, which gave to her cheek and brow the colorlessness of marble.
3The leached colorlessness, the depression in the forehead.
4He exhaled noisily, letting the congregation know that he was sorry to fail them with his colorlessness.
5She looked very beautiful in her unconfined gown, the red tone heightening the creamy colorlessness of her face.
1There's no color.' But I made him wish he'd never seen me.
2But they were just ideas, free-floating and of no color at all.
3She was pale, almost bloodless, no color in her cheeks at all.
4Her pupils dilated until there was practically no color showing around them.
5Their skin was of a dull grayish hue; no color at all.
1The oxide of tantalum dissolves in the bead, but gives no colour.
2If no colour is produced, run in the uranium acetate, 1 c.c.
3There was no colour TV and hardly anyone had a video player.
4It was of no colour, and resembled nothing-itwas supernatural and indescribable.
5There was no colour, no life, no soul, no heart in it.
6There is no colour yet in the leaf of the larch.
7A woman who looked like this brought absolutely no colour to a city.
8He spoke in a voice that seemed to have no colour or emphasis.
9There is no colour choice on the frame or side tables.
10Equally, it is disingenuous to claim that Islam has no colour.
11She felt as if she blushed, though no colour came into her face.
12Her eyes half closed, so that only light came from them, no colour.
13It's precisely like everything else: it's of no colour at all.
14Cook very gently until slightly softened, 10 minutes or so; no colour is needed.
15Even now there was no colour of expression in his words, which sounded mechanical.
16There was no colour that day in nature, only in man, but what colour!
Translations for no colour