And no non-humananimal has ever been observed using an idiom.
But, explained Manser, this linguistic trick of reorganising the meaningless to create new meaning had not been demonstrated in any non-humananimal.
Dolphins comprehend thousands of different sentences There is however one cognitive feat at which dogs, somewhat unexpectedly, outshine almost every other non-humananimal.
Many researchers have argued that non-humananimal limb or hand preferences are not under genetic control but instead are determined by random, non-genetic factors.
These findings challenge historical and contemporary views of the mechanisms underlying handedness in non-humananimals.
Surprisingly, morphological predispositions, or adaptations, for tool use have rarely been examined in non-humananimals.
They -the zoophiles, not the Danes -are people with a sexual fixation on non-humananimals.
Previous AG learning studies in non-humananimals have used different AGs to separately test for specific sequence-processing abilities.
But Davila-Ross still thinks we should be careful when talking about laughing rats, dogs, or any other non-humananimals.
Thinkers as far apart as Thomas Aquinas and Albert Schweitzer warned about the link between violence towards human and non-humananimals.
The fact that very many non-humananimals can feel pain makes, in his view, a very strong ethical demand on us.
The difficulties such questions pose help explain why many scientists object to subjective notions of human intelligence being applied to non-humananimals.
Scientists have used many different criteria to argue for or against the proposition that non-humananimals have the capacity for emotions and consciousness.
Researchers and educators have long wrestled with the question of how best to teach their clients be they humans, non-humananimals or machines.
Even the non-humananimals are able to adapt and modify their inherited impulses either by imitation or by habits founded on individual experience.
Furthermore, even if it were possible to agree on a constant and universally-accepted definition of human intelligence, why should this apply to non-humananimals?