Not industry alone still remains thus unintegrated; government itself exhibits a like condition.
Inhibiting integration with raltegravir shunted the generation of durable latency from integrated to unintegrated genomes.
Immigrants remain unintegrated into the New Zealand character.
A consequence is an excess of unintegrated viral DNA genomes, which undergo intramolecular ligation and accumulate as 2-LTR circles.
These results suggest that mitosis is necessary for nuclear entry of MuLV, but not human immunodeficiency virus, unintegrated proviral DNA.
Ús de nonintegrated en anglès
Membership in integrated versus nonintegrated social networks at school was unassociated with psychosocial well-being.
It was concluded that past resource management has been nonintegrated.
Patients appreciated specialist care, but described the health care system as nonintegrated and believed they received insufficient information and psychosocial support.
Southern blot analyses of total liver DNA in fact confirmed the presence of identical and mostly nonintegrated molecular vector forms for all genotypes.
Magnetic coupling forces were noted maximally at 0.47 N. Clinical grading of motility documented enhancement in lateral excursion when compared with nonintegrated controls.