Value for unrepresentable data.
Examples for "nan"
Examples for "nan"
1There was once a flying shark who used to visit his nan.
2I'm wondering why your wife is taking nanna naps throughout the day.
3Yes, yes, Nan went to the British Museum with Mrs. Lawless yesterday.
4When we'd gone to every house, we joined back with Nan's group.
5Grace laughed; but Nan looked a little grave as Katie disappeared again.
1Eleven is not a number; you will surely end by having twelve!
2But five was not a number that Tommy cared to shoot for.
3The display was a jumble of icon figures, not a number.
4Might not a number of these animals be caught and broken in?-Whynot?
5The comedy feels organic, not a number of sequences connected by a paper-thin script.
6Unfortunately we have not a number of codices to collate and correct such errors.
7Each city will have its own Spiritual Assembly, not a number of district ones.
8Infinity divided by zero is not a number.
9As the hero of the cult TV series The Prisoner cried, I am not a number!
10But not a number that Friendly recognized.
11That's not a number to balk at.
12It's not a number based on information sent by insurers to the Department of Heath and Human Services.
13Harriet Scott, breakfast co-presenter, Heart 106.2 Age is an attitude, not a number.
14Brother Jacques also has many; Brother Anthony also-thereis not one of them who has not a number.
15There could not be a number of sons of heaven because there were not a number of heavens.
Translations for not a number