Smug self-serving earnestness.
Examples for "unction"
Examples for "unction"
1In that time I must receive the extreme unction of the Church.
2A person thus set apart receives the unction of the Holy One.
3The President pronounced the last sentence with oratorical unction, and around him.
4And I was certainly not the last to begin-especially at extreme unction.
5You can put more savor and unction into it than I can.
1From the beginning, she had ignored a certain oiliness in his voice.
2For the first week without bathing, the skin's oiliness remained constant.
3If correctly mixed, the emulsion, on cooling, will adhere without oiliness to glass.
4The oiliness, the public theft, the cowardice, the welter of sin!
5Steward, for looking us up, the Jew took up the idea with insulting oiliness.
1At Strouther and Streckfuss's, Mr. Strouther came up and said with reeking unctuousness:
2A mixture of creepy unctuousness and childhood regression to Mummy.
3In a flat voice stripped of its former unctuousness, he said, "Is this really necessary?"
4He smiled as he spoke with the unctuousness of a villain administering poison in a bouquet of roses.
5Brother Baker's unctuousness angered Bud Perkins.
1We catch his gusts of panic, his disease of nosing, his greasiness.
2The greasiness and electrically charged quality of the air seemed to increase sharply.
3Pizza The piquancy of Salad Cream cuts through any greasiness of the cheese.
4A certain greasiness about the fellow increased my dislike.
5Cathy stridently nominates greasiness as a category, as well as topping distribution and slice segmentation.
1Capital berated Bonbright; labor was inclined to fulsomeness.
2If this were flattery, tone and manner robbed it of fulsomeness, rendered it subtle beyond the coarser perceptions of the man.
3The Chancellor's sense of proportion is curious, but may perhaps be condoned as of a piece with the fulsomeness of the day.
4He was savouring to its utmost fulsomeness the supremest joy which animal man can ever know-thejoy of looking on a fallen enemy.
5Cecil Rhodes, of course, had declared himself officially in accord with the High Commissioner, and even praised him to a degree of fulsomeness.
1And so, men, drive your wives, beat them out of their self-consciousness and their soft smarminess and good, lovely idea of themselves.
2They are stalked by a jigsaw-faced man who calls himself Stuntman Mike, played with grizzled smarminess by John Carpenter veteran Kurt Russell.
3The thought of being subjected to his smarminess was simply too much to bear -and I lived here when Giuliani was mayor.
4We have a vice of love, of softness and sweetness and smarminess and intimacy and promiscuous kindness and all that sort of thing.
5'Ah, but you're not familiar with my background, James, my curriculum vitae.' The smile and the smarminess vanished.
Translations for oleaginousness