United States filmmaker (born in 1946)
Examples for "Stone"
Examples for "Stone"
1London Stone has moved around several times over the past 200 years.
2However, Mr Stone said he accepted Archbishop Wilson was unlikely to reoffend.
3Eleven years ago Oliver Stone made a powerful motion picture called JFK.
4His support worker, Jennifer Stone, started the process to find Denis' family.
5Despite this, trade thrived at our end of the Great Stone Road.
1Eleven years ago Oliver Stone made a powerful motion picture called JFK.
2The controversial Natural Born Killers, directed by Oliver Stone, features graphic violence.
3Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick's The Untold History of the United States.
4Multi award-winning director Oliver Stone is a controversial figure in American filmmaking.
5Facebook Twitter Pinterest History is reimagined in Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK.
6Now, courtesy of Oliver Stone, he has reemerged as a tragic hero.
7And I think that's what Oliver Stone was telling James Cromwell here.
8I'm normally an admirer of Oliver Stone, but it was rushed out.
9The lights came on like something out of an Oliver Stone movie.
10I ask Ewing whether he knows if Oliver Stone received a similar document.
11It might be the only Oliver Stone film you really need to see.
12They'll think I masterminded some idiotic Oliver Stone conspiracy, that's what they'll think.
13Film director Oliver Stone and actors Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen also attended.
14Hugo Chávez and Oliver Stone at the 2009 Venice film festival.
15Oliver Stone is rooting through drawers and messing with his smartphone.
16Oliver Stone explains to Xan Brooks why he is not responsible for copycat violence.
Translations for oliver stone