Type of license used for free content or free software.
Examples for "ol"
Examples for "ol"
1Is we trying to create some friendly competition with dear ol' Peeves?
2Serve with potato wedges and vegetables, and some good ol' mulled wine.
3By then my father was existing on the good ol' boy network.
4The bartender said, Yeah, you did ol' Earl Hocutt a good deed.
5He said, 'You're startin' to turn out like your ol' daddy, darlin'.
1Another user clapped back saying she disagrees, as it's just a free license to fornication.
2However, this is absolutely not a free license for officers to forcefully take their blood.
3But no one either assaulted or challenged him, although he gave his tongue free license.
4It is the only way MacNair can hold them-byallowing them free license at frequent intervals.
5Oth's spine gave his tongue free license.
1In appropriate open source fashion, the researchers have released the data under an open license so other researchers can mine it for insights.
2Even a partial archive would place an impossible burden on the BBC's infrastructure, so open licenses will make the Creative Archive possible.
1This open -content license ensures that Wikipedia's content will always remain free.
1They cover items worth at least £132m but almost certainly significantly more since equipment approved by " open licences" is not counted individually.
Translations for open licence