Encara no tenim significats per a "own necessities".
1The people of the land will own and operate their own necessities.
2Her own wants, her own necessities, had no place in her thoughts.
3His unfriendliness to Pike was in part due to Holmes's own necessities.
4Her own necessities march with the natural needs of the world.
5They should have them, but they should be restricted to their own necessities.
6Their own interests, their own monetary perils, their own necessities, absorb their whole attention.
7Might it not strictly be applicable to his own necessities?
8Was it for his own necessities, because he said, Ye sent unto my necessity?
9Then the lumber-king shifted again to his own necessities.
10But anything I know I have found out merely by foraging for my own necessities.
11Half for his own necessities, and half to be disposed of as he thinks fit.
12He was frequently compelled to work with his hands to provide for his own necessities.
13Gratitude and distress held claims upon him which he never allowed his own necessities to transgress.
14I am driven to it by my own necessities, and drawn to it by the necessities of others.
15While confronting at deadly close quarters their own necessities and perils, their sympathies were wide as the world.
16Epiphanes saw in these hoards the means of relieving his own necessities, and determined to seize and confiscate them.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Own necessities a través del temps
Own necessities per variant geogràfica