Any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects.
Someone who collects things that have been discarded by others.
Examples for "magpie"
Examples for "magpie"
1TRAVEL:Paul Theroux has a magpie-like mind that jumps from subject to subject.
2One was a dainty little magpie; the other a soft-eyed turtle dove.
3It was a magpie, which actually had no business being in town.
4For the magpie is the cleverest bird of all at building nests.
5Unlike the rook, crow and magpie mentioned the woodpigeon is good eating.
1The aftermath of the war has created a new, illegal profession: scavenger.
2Escrissar scrabbled across the ground, a scavenger surprised by a true predator.
3She is the grand scavenger and practical sanitary commissioner of the earth.
4It was a fun scavenger hunt, populated with products rather than people.
5Concepts of the scavenger by Kate Hawley closely followed del Toro's direction.
1I would imagine him to be a bit of a pack rat.
2It was that kind of investigation that fit her pack rat mentality.
3Mamie had always been messy, and also something of a pack rat.
4A bit of a pack rat, but I guess we shouldn't complain.
5The leader snarled something, and another pack rat scuttled forward with a lighter.
6But eventually, the lead pack rat tugged gently on my sleeve.
7A pack rat pulled something from his lump and waved it at the leader.
8So, there's style differences, but he was a pack rat.
9There's no way a pack rat like Ghanet had that much money lying around.
10In fact, I am a pack rat when it comes to this kind of information.
11Actually, they meant nothing except that Mr. Neatness had one flawhe was a pack rat.
12His grandmother is a pack rat Gives detailed list of the many things he found.
13Transcript It's so neat to be a pack rat.
14Books, clothes, slide rule-I had never been a pack rat-and that minor junk was gone anyhow.
15The lead pack rat jabbered and pointed.
16The guy was an unbelievable pack rat.
Translations for pack rat