A method for the early detection of cancer and other abnormalities of the female genital tract.
1Hologic's products include digital mammography systems, Pap tests and surgical instruments.
2A Pap test looks for abnormal cells that may be pre-cancerous.
3The current Pap test detects cervical abnormalities after they occur.
4That is comparable to a Pap test, according to DuBeshter.
5Yang and colleagues studied the impact on Pap test results eight years into this program.
6Screening intervals and trends in the results of screening Pap tests and cervical biopsies also were examined.
7If these "reflex" HPV tests are negative, Pap tests need not be repeated for 12 months.
8Traditionally, Pap tests were done yearly.
9The Pap test is done to look for abnormalities in cervical cells that may or may not become cancer.
10With Pap tests done every three years, that falls to five to eight per 1,000.
11Women aged 25 and over are due for their first cervical screening test two years from their last Pap test.
12Pap test coverage is over 80% in Centre-North and less than 60%in South-Islands.
13Would be a familiar if not favorite article once a year, when you were given a Pap test for cancer.
14Conclusions: cervical cancer incidence is lower in Southern Italy, while the Pap test coverage is much higher in Centre-Northern Italy.
15Overall, 14.5 percent of women had abnormal Pap tests and 85.5 percent had normal tests.
16Independent predictors of both recent and annual screenings included history of an abnormal Pap test, being heterosexual, and annual medical visits.
Translations for pap test