Relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or in another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.
Veure'n més 1 Although it is not certain, the virus is believed to be a small, living, parasitic organism without definite cell structure.
2 I met the Locust Queen, you see, and she told me her species was fighting for survival against a parasitic organism in their tunnels.
3 Pain, however, is not the only symptom of the invasion of the body by pyogenic or parasitic organisms .
4 Infernals were like all parasitic organisms .
5 Several of these stories elaborate on the rather stomach-churning theme of scientists growing parasitic organisms ... in their own bodies.
6 We shall doubtless do all possible to develop preventive medicine in order to guard the weak against parasitic organisms .
7 Using the linear model as a tool we predict that parasitic organisms may be depleted relative to the tissues of their host.
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Aquesta col·locació està formada per: Translations for parasitic organism