Encara no tenim significats per a "pay agitator".
1Out upon him, for a paid agitator, a kill-joy, and a humbug.
2The integrity of the empire was assured, and the paid agitator had received a proper rebuff.
3The next morning, hundreds of paid agitators flooded the streets of Tehran, looting, burning, and smashing the symbols of government.
4You see, it was only a small skirmish; some mad mullah of a fellow became a paid agitator among the natives.
5" Paid agitators" is, no doubt, the favourite refrain of those who know nothing about it.
6"It's all the fault of those confounded paid agitators."
7Indeed, the Tory almost admits as much when he alters his tone and describes the sympathising and active few as " paid agitators."
8"Who is it?" cried the paid agitator.