Encara no tenim significats per a "peculiar softness".
1Was this peculiar softness to his last tones assumed or real?
2Catherine's later convalescence dwelt in her mind in after years as a time of peculiar softness and peace.
3There was a peculiar softness, as of rainwater, in both the colour and the texture of the glass.
4Then Arabian spoke again, and the peculiar softness she had noticed that afternoon had gone out of his voice.
5It is limpid and oily; possesses a fine aroma, a peculiar softness, a mild but brisk flavour, and so on.
6She was quick in all her movements, combined with a peculiar softness and grace of deportment that was exceedingly attractive.
7A thin lock of hair came over the center of his forehead, and somehow gave to his countenance a peculiar softness.
8Had he been quite robust, Cecilia might have felt that she could not justify to herself the peculiar softness of her words.
9These properties give to it that peculiar softness which makes it so agreeable to the feel, and comforting and soothing to the skin.
10The peculiar softness and clearness of this light with its almost unvarying intensity, have brought it into great favour with the work people.
11There was a peculiar softness in Henry's voice when he replied: "I hope some time to catch him interfering with your affairs."
12Her eyes have that slight tinge of melancholy in their tenderness, and that peculiar softness in their repose, which is only seen in blue eyes.
13His eyes were very large and blue, with a peculiar softness and sadness that suited well the expression of thoughtfulness and repose about his lips.
14"Life isn't the same for her since she was in Paris," said Eve, with peculiar softness.
15"A what?" Wolf Larsen asked, a peculiar softness in his voice, as though he were overwhelmingly curious to hear the unspoken word.
16"No doubt, no doubt," answered the Colonel, who always received this lady's remarks, playful or serious, with a peculiar softness and kindness.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Peculiar softness a través del temps
Peculiar softness per variant geogràfica