Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where some people perceivetheworld in a multi-sensory way.
To compensate, they use their strong senses of smell and hearing to perceivetheworld around them.
Blur the lines between dream state and reality, as you perceivetheworld through the minds of many.
It's about the way we perceivetheworld around us and how we choose to interact with it.
Furthermore, belief systems that perceivetheworld metaphorically instead of literally can adapt to new information and scientific findings.
There would be no world, if there neither were nor ever had been any one to perceivetheworld.
What they are relevant to is the shape of your imagination, or rather, how you perceivetheworld to be.
Sir, - The crisis in the Gulf illustrates the inability of the United States to perceivetheworld without demons.
By the time he was in his early thirties, he had changed the way generations of people would perceivetheworld.
Any self-driving vehicle needs sensors to perceivetheworld and computers to turn that data into decisions about how to move.
We humans perceivetheworld, i.e., project ourselves as entities, forming images of the surroundings in our mind, through many filters.
The problems that one the big limitations of perceptions that it's subjective we don't all perceivetheworld as it is.
All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceivetheworld: our sight, our touch, our memory.
A wizard's Sight, his ability to perceivetheworld around him in a vastly broadened spectrum of interacting forces, is a dangerous gift.
Our pursuit of food has shaped the evolution of our sensory apparatus-thevery tools through which we, as a species, perceivetheworld.
Projecting their biological constitution into the world- we all breathe, see, hear, exercise physical power, and perceivetheworld-humans ascertain their natural reality.