Encara no tenim significats per a "perfect o".
1Dagon smiled, his mouth a perfect O filled with razor teeth.
2His eyes were wide, his little mouth popped into a perfect O of outrage.
3Auri made her mouth a perfect O and puffed out two quick bursts of bubbles.
4Hektor's reply came in the form of another perfect O ring blown high into the air.
5Crease's hand flew up and his mouth opened in a perfect O, but one hand held tight to Kit's shirt.
6Only one of them was facing the bars, its tiny mouth opened in a perfect O of amazement at the sight of her.
7"Ready to go?" Marcus chucked Rebecca under the chin, and her mouth made a perfect O of happiness.
8"A perfect O," said Charlotte Wolfe, thirty-six, adding: "It was the saddest face I ever saw in my life."
9"A face with a cross gouged into its forehead, another wearing a sorcerer's hat, the mouth and eyes perfect O's."
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