Encara no tenim significats per a "persisted through".
1Changes in prescribing practices persisted through the end of the study period.
2Glucose intolerance persisted through two days of exposure but reversed 18h-post second exposure.
3In spite of many accidents, this coopering technique persisted through the fifteenth century.
4Histopathologic examination revealed that substantial airway inflammation persisted through day 28.
5One thought persisted through the chaos of his surging thoughts.
6There was one fancy indeed, which persisted through her girlhood.
7Her laughter persisted through his dreams, or through his dream.
8And it has pretty much persisted through our adult lives.
9Many Black high school students have persisted through an environment that often felt unwelcoming.
10This fear persisted through the 1980s, even as the cold war was finally being won.
11The genre has persisted through the years largely because of its focus on personalized intimacy.
12Life had persisted through so much, was so triumphant.
13There had persisted through the years a little band of irreconcilables who were Progressives or nothing.
14This political importance has persisted through the centuries.
15David's love of climbing persisted through his illness.
16However he said if the shutdown persisted through March, the local system would take a blow.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Persisted through a través del temps
Persisted through per variant geogràfica