Encara no tenim significats per a "perverted taste".
1A perverted taste, on the contrary, leads him into trouble.
2Is it not a terribly perverted taste, a hungering for the black sins of death?
3Thoughts on a perverted taste.
4Hence artists may be great benefactors; yet sometimes their works are demoralizing, as they appeal to perverted taste and passions.
5Sugar, however, is often injudiciously used, and a perverted taste may be established which can be satisfied only by excessive amounts.
6It was the room of a man who had a passion for frippery, who had a perverted taste for soft delicate things.
7But the conclusion must not be padded with irrelevant matter to make it appear rounded, or to please the perverted taste of the writer.
8Thus was his influence pure and exalted in an art which has too often been prostituted to please the perverted taste of a sensual age.
9Maybe that was a perverted taste,-cigar-smokeand delicate perfumes are not consorted in the code of odor-lovers,-but,asI say, I learned to like it.
10Probably the most revolting of all the perverted tastes is that for human flesh.
11Gratified in all its whims, it develops perverted tastes, or refuses all food but what it fancies.
12The mind, warped by alcohol, by the passion for gambling, and by unhealthy literature, contracts little by little perverted tastes.
13As is generally the case, work bestows a peaceable disposition on the grave-digger, while inaction inspires him with perverted tastes.
14"You have a perverted taste," snapped Margolotte, much annoyed at this frank criticism.
15When Art has been prostituted to pander to perverted tastes, or has been stimulated by thirst for gain, then inferior works only have been created.
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