Encara no tenim significats per a "petrified in".
1For a moment they remain still, petrified in animal terror.
2During my early months there I was ecstatically happy and petrified in equal measure.
3Many fainted; others became inert and petrified in their ecstasy.
4They were silent and seemed to be petrified in all the attitudes of despair.
5Why d'n't you SAY you was petrified in your hind legs, before you shipped!'
6He is good at the technical stuff, but emotionally he has petrified in recent years.
7Like my father; like all those who have petrified in the shape of a convention.
8The twain were petrified in their own awful correctitude.
9Races which are petrified in dogma or demoralized by lucre are unfit to guide civilization.
10Krepnight, the Elect, rocked back after the impact, then just sat petrified in his saddle.
11The right Yura grew petrified in his place; his heart stood still; and his breathing ceased.
12This vision arrested her feet: She remained as if petrified in the middle of the apartment.
13Every person there seemed to be petrified in the position in which his attention was attracted.
14A panic seized the worshipful gentlemen of the Council, and they sat petrified in their seats.
15But the Muppets are not petrified in nostalgia.
16Nelton took the card and held it out as though he had been petrified in the act.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Petrified in a través del temps
Petrified in per variant geogràfica