Encara no tenim significats per a "pick right".
1We pick right up where Heidi goes and sees her parents.
2Heah, chile, step in dar an' pick right smart, or I'll warm yer!
3Achieve this by hanging the pick right over your shoulder next to your neck.
4There's every reason to believe we'll pick right up in Heaven with relationships from Earth.
5That's how it was with Bryson-youcould pick right back up where you left off.
6Then there are times, like now, when it's like an ice pick right in the heart.
8There are so many good choices out there for consumers to pick right now when we still have so much overproduction.
9What JL and Punter must work out first, what's their game plan... then pick right replacements for Khawaja and Stoinis who appeared injured.
10It's fresh, picked right off the stalk a couple of days ago.
11We all got to choose, you said, I think she picked right.
12Picking right up on it Dennis said, Sounds good to me.
13And Joe says that, in picking Vona, Britt has picked right.
14The story picks right up where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 left off.
15Got out in six months and picked right up again.
16Jake Allen picked right up where Elliott left off.
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