Employment system where the worker is paid according to the number of units produced.
1Nearly all of them pay by piece rate -something most other industries have abandoned.
2Instead, Holten said workers are paid a base rate of $146 per month, plus a piece rate.
3Kirsten Southern, a 34-year-old mother of three, was paid by piece rate in successive jobs on RV production lines at two different companies.
4Thirteen members of the Society discussed the piece rate system at length, and only two briefly referred to the study of the "unit times."
5Fletcher has been on a campaign to end the piece rate system, which "doesn't incentivize workers to be safe or produce high quality," he says.
6The whole family sewed buttons on cards at night at slave labor piece rates.
7Three fourths of these workers are paid piece rates.
8The writer quotes as follows from his paper on "A Piece Rate System," written in 1895:
9After a winter of forcing skeletons to work for piece rates, the destitute are now to be given soup.
10In 1895 the writer read a paper before The American Society of Mechanical Engineers entitled "A Piece Rate System."
11They said that on former piece rates this man used to make from ninety dollars to one hundred dollars a week.
12The writer quotes as follows from his paper on "A Piece Rate System," read in 1895, before The American Society of Mechanical Engineers:
13The writer quotes as follows from a paper entitled "A Piece Rate System," read by him before The American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1895:
14More than 2,040 barristers who carry out prosecution work in England and Wales responded, virtually all of those working on piece rates for the CPS.
15Wages, fair, 82, 153,~ cOrAmiFsions, 143; piece rates for, i5o; maximum, 152; sums paid in, 153; value, 241; little or no, Wanamaker, John, 271.
Translations for piece rate