Encara no tenim significats per a "pile together".
1We may pile together all our funny, fearful, little Dreadnoughts, our stodgy dead lumps of men called armies, and what are they?
2We found the dead and dying piled together in suffocating heaps.
3These are evidently all figures vividly piled together to express the same thought.
4Books and computer games were piled together on two shelves of the bookcase.
5They piled together all the remaining letters and dropped them into the bag.
6Slowly he piles together the wood, and yet no sign.
7There are fallen bodies everywhere, collapsed and piled together and bleeding into one another.
8At one spot they were piled together, massive and high.
9What a cart-load of brick and rubbish, and Roman ruins, they have piled together!
10Words piled together are nothing unless charged by an urgent race to the finish line.
11The same massiveness, the same wedge-like stones piled together to form arches prevail in both.
12The rest he piled together, and offered them as a splendid sacrifice to the gods.
13Enough branches and leaves were piled together to afford them the best sort of couch.
14Coming back he found the bones and the skin piled together with rocks over them.
15Then try to leave three piles together, on Nos.
16These were piled together in two immense stacks.