A handmade lace worked on a pillow with threads wound on bobbins; the pattern is marked out on the pillow by pins.
1They say it was a woman, Barbara Uttmann, who invented pillow lace in the 16th century.
2Bobbin or pillow lace more nearly resembles weaving.
3And I also make the pillow lace.
4She had for sale some pillow lace edging of her own manufacture, which she offered at threepence per yard.
5Doris didn't know much about Holland, even if she could make pillow lace and read French verses with a charming accent.
6Miss Arabella made beautiful pillow lace, and sometimes the grand ladies came in carriages and paid her ever so much money for it.
7Oh, French and a little Latin, and she was reading history and "Paradise Lost," but she didn't like sums, and she could make pillow lace.
Translations for pillow lace