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1Melba, Jean and Édouard de Reszke, and M. Plançon in the cast.
2The second absent figure was the Russian Consul-General, M. de Plançon.
3It was announced that M. de Plançon was late, and so could not attend.
4Oddly enough, M. de Plançon is usually an early riser.
5Mantelli, the brothers de Reszke, Plançon, and M. Castelmary, who were concerned in its production.
6Homer, and Messrs. Burgstaller, Dippel, Reiss, Mühlmann, Scotti, Van Rooy, Blass, Journet, Plançon, and Rossi.
7Eames (Hero), Saléza (Leander), and Plançon (Ariofarno).