Encara no tenim significats per a "plaster all".
1The stonework was old, the interior plaster all worn away.
2When Samanthy returned to the kitchen she found that Lindy had the plaster all ready.
3I tried mustard plaster all over me and I won't forget that blunder in a hurry or even ever.
4To hasten matters, he asked for a hammer and broke up the plaster all round the clamps that held the chandelier in position.
5Now plastered all over Manticore's news media for untold millions to watch.
6She went underground after her image was plastered all over the media.
7Why, we've got it plastered all over us, from head to foot.
8Reminders of the royal lifestyle were plastered all over newspapers again this week.
9I had mud and bits of weed plastered all over me.
10They would undoubtedly be plastered all over the television tomorrow.
11Had the news picked up the story; was Aria's face plastered all over CNN?
12By then the script is plastered all over the wall.
13Because his SUV had FDNY stickers plastered all over it.
14Deepenau had NRA stickers plastered all over his piece-of-shit pickup.
15Will Piper's face was plastered all over the plasma screen.
16There was an OH PUH-LEEZE plastered all over her face.